Chrisanthy Papantoniou » Schedule/ Horario

Schedule/ Horario

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Hello 5th Grade Students!
I am so excited to be your teacher this year! I will be teaching you Math, Science, and Social Studies. I am providing you with a schedule of your classes. It is very important that you log in everyday to google classroom beginning at 9am. Attendance will be taken during every class. There will be live google meets, assignments to complete and assessments to submit. Everything will be accessible through your google classroom and through school email. Your active participation will be required daily in all classes. I want to see all your completed work. Virtual learning can be very successful, but it requires commitment and enthusiasm. We are in this virtual teaching and learning experience together! It is going to be a great year!
Schedule for
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
9:00-9:40 ESL
9:40-10:20 Specials
10:20-11:40 Math
11:40-12:20 Science/ Social Studies
12:20- 1:00 Lunch
1:00-2:20 ELA
2:20-3:00 Enrichment
Special Schedule
Monday-World Language
Tuesday -Art
Wednesday- Technology
Thursday- Gym
Friday - Music