About Us » Principal's Message & Virtual Open House Message

Principal's Message & Virtual Open House Message

Mr. Bafumi

Ms. Madrid

Click link for Open House Message


Hello and welcome to John F. Kennedy Elementary School! 

Home of the Bulldogs. As students, parents, staff, and members of the community, we value your input and are excited to have you as part of our Kennedy Family. Through our combined commitment, we will strive towards our common goal of developing the maximum potential of all our students - both academically and socially.


Our faculty and staff anxiously look forward to this challenge and are committed to reaching our high expectations. We are fortunate to have such a caring, hardworking, and dedicated faculty and staff.


The road to success is not always smooth, society provides obstacles that can cause detours. However, we are optimistic that through a collaborative approach, we will steer the course and reach our goals. We need you and welcome you as our partners.


As always, we look forward to seeing you throughout the year at Parents’ Night, school programs, or routine visits. If you have any concerns or suggestions, feel free to contact us.

Anticipating a successful school year. 

Stay safe and stay healthy!


Your Kennedy Administration Team,


Mr. Frank Bafumi - Principal

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (201) 974 - 7000


Ms. Diana Madrid - Vice Principal

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (201) 974 - 7000


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