Welcome to First Grade
Dear Students and Parents,
Welcome to 1st Grade! I am so excited for a fun and exciting year of learning! On my teacher page, you will find important information. Throughout the year if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me at [email protected] or on Class Dojo.
ELA - provides students with a supportive environment that involves them in authentic reading experiences that focus on the strengths and needs of each student. Reading and Writing Workshops help students develop strong reading and writing skills through the use of mini-lessons, read alouds, reading conferencing, independent reading, small groups, and journal responses as they move to 2nd grade.
Math - helps children engage with the New Jersey Student Learning Standards in new, exciting ways. Lessons begin with context-based situations and then build to more abstract problems. We will use models, manipulatives, pictures, and symbols to build mathematical understanding. Your children will achieve fluency, speed, and confidence with grade-level standards.
Class Specials
World Language